

About us

Right now, thousands of people are urgently trying to just get by without a safe place to call home. They’re trapped in cold, damp, unfit accommodation, fighting to keep a roof over their family’s heads. Or in dirty hostels, sleeping in cars, tents or on sofas.

Our country’s housing emergency is spiralling. Every four minutes, even as you read this, another household becomes homeless.

Sadly, things are only set to get worse. More people than ever now live in daily fear of losing their home.

Calls to our emergency helpline are increasing. We must act now.

For someone at risk of homelessness, a call to our helpline can be the difference between finding emergency accommodation and spending a night on the streets.

Fundraising events like the TCS London Marathon are a vital way of supporting our work. By running or donating you're helping to fund the fight for housing justice.

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