The National Autistic Society

Tom White

Tom White

Tom White

My Story

From my experiences, I have found that Autism and the Autistic experience are so regularly misunderstood, including by myself. I have chosen to take on the challenge (and lifetime objective) of running the London Marathon, while also having the opportunity to increase acceptance and money for the National Autistic Society. I am a firm believer that we can always do more, and learn more for ourselves and the community around us. Understanding the differences in the way that neurotypical and atypical person experience the world and daily interactions can only serve to make life better, more inclusive and happier for everyone. 

I would appreciate any and all support that you can give to help me achieve my goal of raising £2200 for this amazing charity and helping me raise awareness and understanding of Autism. The National Autistic Society campaign for awareness, acceptance and equality for those with Austism / are Autistic. Aiding this cause is something I am passionate about and I hope that you will be able to support my journey to complete this undertaking around the wonderful city of London by donating to this page and The National Autistic Society.

Thank you all and wish me luck for those 26.2 miles.

Tom x



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

From my experiences, I have found that Autism and the Autistic experience are so regularly misunderstood, including by myself. I have chosen to take on the challenge (and lifetime objective) of running the London Marathon, while also having the opportunity to increase acceptance and money for the National Autistic Society. I am a firm believer that we can always do more, and learn more for ourselves and the community around us. Understanding the differences in the way that neurotypical and atypical person experience the world and daily interactions can only serve to make life better, more inclusive and happier for everyone. 

I would appreciate any and all support that you can give to help me achieve my goal of raising £2200 for this amazing charity and helping me raise awareness and understanding of Autism. The National Autistic Society campaign for awareness, acceptance and equality for those with Austism / are Autistic. Aiding this cause is something I am passionate about and I hope that you will be able to support my journey to complete this undertaking around the wonderful city of London by donating to this page and The National Autistic Society.

Thank you all and wish me luck for those 26.2 miles.

Tom x