Katie Peters
My Story
“Tell Me I Can’t” - 2022 Update
So those of you who know me well and were following my running journey last year will know I was in fact told by my body "I can't". 6 weeks out from the London Marathon I was diagnosed with a Femoral Neck Stress Fracture, not an injury to be messed with and certainly not one i could have run 26.2 miles on without putting myself at risk of some serious hip damage. The running stopped, I cried, I got frustrated... then I cycled, I swam and I got my backside in the gym and i've been lucky enough to be helped my some amazing medical and sports professionals. As of March this year I have been given the all clear to run again and the training has recommenced. I'm eternally grateful to Llamau for their patience and allowing me to run for them again this year. I am determined to get to both the start and the finish line of the 2022 London Marathon.
Please read my original story below:
"Tell Me I Can't"
I've never thought of myself as a runner or even as being fit, I've always used exercise as a means keep losing weight (or allowing me to eat chocolate and drink wine!) but after taking up running in 2019 for these reasons I slowly realised it had so much more to offer and losing weight and keeping fit were just bi-products. Running gives me a purpose and some me-time and has now taken over my life (sorry Ioan), become part of me and who ‘I am’. Long gone are the days when I used to spend any spare cash on nice dresses expensive handbags and pretty shoes, now it’s running tights, hydration packs and shoes of a very different kind (although just as many J) . Sundays are no longer or lazing about in front of the TV – it’s long run day, followed by plenty of carbs!!
Over the last year in particular, which has been no mean feat for anyone, running has been my go-to when I’ve been stressed, upset or angry and most importantly it’s kept me sane through what has been a particularly difficult year for the Peters and Rich families.
So, I’ve put my big girl pants on and got down to business, why just leave it at 5k and why not try 10k or a half marathon or do I dare attempt a marathon (I’d only ever run 7k when I signed up to London!)… I’ve even got myself a running coach and joined a running club, so …..“Tell me I can’t”.
So enough about me and running and over to Llamau, the real reason I’m doing this.
My work at Edenstone Homes assists in the development of new homes for those people lucky enough to be able to get on the housing ladder, but there are so many other people out there in need of help, especially given current circumstances.
Llamau are a welsh-based charity who are doing some amazing work in seeking to fulfil their mission to eradicate homelessness for young people and vulnerable women.
Llamau believe that “we all have the right to fulfil our potential, and to feel safe and secure, despite the difficult circumstances we sometimes face”
“Llamau is the leading homelessness charity in Wales, supporting the most vulnerable young people and women. We are particularly well known for working with those most at risk - care leavers, people who have been involved with the criminal justice system, people who have experienced domestic abuse and people who have had chaotic and disadvantaged lifestyles. They need high levels of individual support to help them gain the skills necessary for them to live independent and purposeful lives in their communities.
At Llamau, we never give up on anyone.”
- Funds go towards:
- Preventing youth homelessness;
- Ending the cycle of abuse;
- Provision of safe accommodation;
- Domestic abuse refuges;
- Support to move on;
- Mental health support;
- Skills to move forward;
- Employment opportunities;
- Support in your home.
Anything you can donate is greatly appreciate by both Llamau and I!. Thank you
Katie x