George Lynch
My Story
For those who don’t know yet, I’ll be running the London Marathon in October for Pancreatic Cancer Action!
The second lockdown of 2020 was tough for our friends and family, as we lost a much loved person in our lives, Gary Hickey, to pancreatic cancer. It still hasn't really sunk in, as we weren’t able to say goodbye at the time due to hospitals restricting visitors. Gary was one of the most unique people I have ever met. The life and soul of the party with the biggest heart, he was a very special person to all of us. This marathon is for him.
I’ve never run one of these before, or even taken part in an official half or 10k, so this is going to be fun…
I initially got into running during the first Covid lockdown. Tomi and I ventured out to Victoria Park to do a Joe Wicks ‘HIIT’ session but were told to move on as we weren’t allowed to do ‘stationary exercise’. Because of that, our only option was to do a loop of the park – I was initially reluctant, as the last time I’d gone for a run was probably cross-country in Year 6! However, I pretty much instantly fell in love with it.
Most of my running since has been in short 5k bursts, but I’m fully up for this challenge for an awesome cause...
Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all the major cancers, and in most cases symptoms don’t show until the cancer is well developed so awareness and improvements in early diagnosis are crucial. This is what Pancreatic Cancer Action dedicate their work to doing. Their mission is to improve the survival rates of the disease by ensuring more people are diagnosed early and in time for surgery.
I would be so thankful for donations of any kind!