Anne Frank Trust UK

Anne Frank Trust UK

About us

We are an education charity that empowers 10- to 15-year-olds to challenge all forms of prejudice, inspired by the life and work of Anne Frank.

Anne Frank is uniquely powerful as a catalyst for learning and reflection about prejudice. Her experiences as a young Jewish person during the Holocaust provide a powerful insight for young people to learn and reflect on the dangers of antisemitism and all forms of prejudice. Through our programmes, young people gain the knowledge, motivation and skills to make a real difference.

We empower disadvantaged young people in England & Scotland to become voices for equality. We train young people as Peer Guides to educate their peers about Anne Frank, the Holocaust & what they teach us about antisemitism and prejudice today. Through workshops on topics such as antisemitism, racism & homophobia, young people explore their own attitudes & beliefs about others. With mentoring, young people are supported to run activities to inspire their school & community to welcome & accept everyone.

Watch our latest video to find out more about our work:

Make a change: The Anne Frank Trust

Join us and run for a world free from prejudice.

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